
Gambar Peta Kota Purwakarta

Purwakarta Regency, is a collective in West Java province, Indonesia is anchored ± 80 km east of Jakarta. Collective borders the Karawang advantage in the west and chill parts, Subang advantage on the chill and eastern ballocks of, Advantage Bandung in the South, and Cianjur advantage in the Southwest.
Gambar Peta Lokasi Kabupaten Purwakarta Jabar
Gambar Peta Kabupaten Purwakarta Indonesia
Purwakarta Advantage amidst at the amphitheater of three basic alley of cartage that is complete strategic, namely-Jakarta Purwakarta, Purwakarta-Bandung and Purwakarta-Cirebon.
Gambar Peta Kota Purwakarta
Gambar Peta Kabupaten Purwakarta Indonesia
Gambar Peta Kota Purwakarta
Gambar Peta Kabupaten Purwakarta Indonesia
Purwakarta Advantage across of the 971.72 km ², or about 2.81% of the complete across of West Java amphitheatre has a citizenry of 782,362 citizenry (census citizenry in 2005) with the citizenry beforehand bulk boilerplate of 2.42% per year. The basal of blowing citizenry was 391,061 inhabitants, while the capricious citizenry was 391,301 inhabitants.

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