
Gambar Peta Kota Surabaya

City of Heroes in the Burghal of Surabaya is the basic of East Java province, Indonesia. Surabaya is the additional better burghal in Indonesia afterwards Jakarta. Metropolis with a citizenry of about 3 actor inhabitants, Surabaya was a business center, commerce, industry, and apprenticeship in eastern Indonesia. Surabaya burghal accepted as a hero because of his history is affected in the attempt for Indonesian ability from the colonizers.
Peta Kota Surabaya Indonesia
Peta Kota Surabaya Indonesia
Peta Kota Surabaya Indonesia

Geografis Locations
Although Java is a majority absorption (83.68%), but Surabaya is additionally home to assorted tribes in Indonesia, including the Madurese (7.5%), Tionghoa (7.25%), Arabic (2.04%), and the blow are added indigenous groups or foreigners.

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